Let's Party!
As you know, our incredible, inspirational co-founder Rose will be leaving Accessible Arts & Media at the end of March.We couldn't let her go without throwing her a party.
Goodbye from Rose, and hello to Chris - introducing our new CEO
Back in Autumn, we shared the news of an important change at Accessible Arts & Media: that after more than 30 years, our inspirational co-founder Rose Kent would be stepping...
More about Goodbye from Rose, and hello to Chris - introducing our new CEO
iMUSE for Wellbeing is back!
Now we’re settled into our new base in Clifton, we’re very pleased to be launching new iMUSE for Wellbeing sessions.
Consultation on inclusive music activities for disabled children and young people in York - have your say!
We currently run Senior IMPs on a Monday evening during term time. We also run inclusive musicals holiday clubs once a week in the school holidays.