I's The B'y

This is a fun song with a really simple catchy tune. Like a great many songs from Newfoundland, it was originally written as a dance. So we include lots of movement alongside the singing and signing, making it a firm favourite with our groups. And we’re sure you’ll like it too!  

The original song mentions the three Newfoundland harbours (Fogo, Twillingate and Moreton’s Harbour), which are quite difficult to say and will need practising slowly to start with.

To make it easier for some of our groups we change these for harbours closer to home. For example, because we’re based in North Yorkshire, we often substitute Scarborough, Filey and Whitby for the Newfoundland harbours.

Be creative and come up with your own local or favourite harbours. The sign sheet gives the words for both the Newfoundland harbours and the Yorkshire harbours.

Alongside the resource pack, we've also created this video of one of our AAM leaders teaching the full song to help you as you learn it too.

Download Is-the-By.zip (6 MB)

Activity Type: Singing and Signing

Length: Up to 1 hour