Make way for the hit of the summer!

Our Senior IMPs have done it again and created what’s guaranteed to be the hit of the summer! In 2021 they gave us their feel-good hit ‘Good GoodGood, a number we had in our heads for weeks. And this year, they’ve given us ‘The IMPs Way’.With its catchy chorus and super soloswe know they’re on to another winner! 

Take a look at their latest hit here:


Throughout the summer term, the group worked on the song from sharing music ideas to deciding how they wanted the video to look. We think they did a cracking job capturing exactly what it’s like to be part of Senior IMPs, and we couldn’t be prouder. We can’t wait to see what the group come up with next term.  

Why not join them?  

Senior IMPs sessions are for young people aged 11+ and take place every Monday evening during term time. At IMPs you can write songs, play in the IMPs band, build confidence and make friends. Sessions are fully inclusive, and you don’t have to have any experience in music to take part.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? Find out more about Senior IMPs here.

When: Term starts on Monday 11th September from 67.30 pm (check out our calendar for full term dates) 

Where: Acomb Methodist Church 

Cost: £6 per session or pay for a full term in advance and get two sessions free. 

We offer subsidised places on all our projects as we don't want cost to be a barrier to taking part. Get in touch if you’d like to know more by emailing or calling 01904 626965.